For the past six years I have been the principle photographer for Tourism Vancouver Island’s (TAVI) marketing initiatives. It has given me a wealth of images and experiences of which I am truly thankful for, If you can imagine my job was to capture imagery of recreational/lifestyle and landscape photography on Vancouver Island!

Images on this map were all used from this contract

The latest cover of the 2013 Vancouver Island Visitors Guide taken at Landslide Lake in Strathcona Park.

Cover of the 2013 Vancouver Island Outdoor Guide, on Meare’s Island near tofino

On a week long trip in the Broken Island group with Batstar Expeditions I met Mark Jenkins, writer for National Geographic, great fellow with awesome stories, a real Indiana Jones!

Funny little munchkins! If you ever get a chance to ride the steam train from the McLean Mill into Port Alberni, do it! It’s worth the time. This image is now a feature image on one of the billboard’s along the highway near Nanoose, see the accompanying blog entry.